Our company helps the local adult education schools in our area by hosting some of their students that need to complete an internship as part of a medical billing and coding program. We provide the students with everyday hands-on experience. Also, during their time with us, we provide them with advice from an employer's perspective on things they should do when looking for employment. One of the major points we try to get across to students is to always be prepared. We tell students that at any time someone could call them for a phone interview and that they should be prepared to answer questions over the phone. We also tell them they should always keep copies of their updated resume with them (in their car)and to be ready to provide it at any time. This is because it always seems to be in a moment when it is least expected that they will make contact with someone looking for a biller/coder or know of someone looking to fill a position. So be just like the Boy Scouts and always be prepared.
Over this past weekend I did not practice what I preach. I was in a local suit shop being fitting for a new suit. The gentleman helping me was very nice and very talkative. He eventually asked me what I did for a living. After telling him I owned a medical billing company, he informed me that his wife owned a medical transcription company. Immediately a new door was opened but I couldn't walk through it because I left my business cards and brochures at my office. I was not prepared. I did not practice what we preach in our company. Although I do get a reprieve because I have to go back to the suit shop in a few weeks after the suit alterations are complete. Then I can pass along my business card and a brochure. Some of you might be saying I could have just written my contact and compay information down and passed it along. Sure I could have but it doesn't come off as professional as passing along a business card or brochure. What if I made contact with someone at a busy airport and neither of us had time to write down some information as we rushed to our gates?
In the end....lesson learned.